Sunday, October 15, 2017


We haven't had a family photo* in a while, so what better place to do it than in the bathroom of our new house?  No, we didn't buy a house, we found one to rent and it is a BEAUTY.  Five bedrooms, a living room, a family room in the basement (which has a fireplace!!), and is less rent than the townhouse we've been in for nearly four years.  When I found this place on Craigslist I went and looked at it while Erik slept (the man is an artist and doesn't go to bed until nearly 4:00 most mornings, so he doesn't start his day until at least noon), and after I had a look I ran home like a maniac and woke Erik up like a kid who just saw Santa.  To say I was ecstatic would be an understatement.

Anyhoo, we are so excited for this move (but moving blows those giant donkey balls I mentioned earlier), and we're more than exited to be living in the wonderful, delicious, beautiful energy of this new house. I'll be getting pictures for sure, because the lighting and the gorgeous hardwood floors should lend well to some purty pics.  We got the keys today, but have two weeks before we have to vacate our current place, so it should be a good, easy move. 

Wish us luck.

*Two things of note, neither Brandon nor Erik are taller than me, they're just in front.  I feel this is of extreme importance, because, if nothing else, Brandon is NOT allowed to be bigger than me.  Also, look how happy Amanda is!  She always hides her face in pictures...just look at that smile.  :)

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