Monday, May 12, 2008


I'm so proud of my big sister. Well, she isn't exactly bigger, just a little older. This bombshell mother of five just received her Bachelor's degree and is on her way to becoming a family/marriage therapist. I know there are a few fancier terms to describe what she will eventually be doing, but for now we'll just stick with what my little brain can comprehend.
With the help of Amy's husband Pat, I was able to conjure up the surprise of all surprises. I told her I wasn't going to be able to make it to her graduation ceremony...what she didn't know was that I had been planning on coming for months! When I arrived at her house her squeal was so high-pitched I couldn't hear a word she was saying. I had to ask their black lab for an interpretation. Operation "Surprise Amy" was a huge hit and although I could only stay a couple of days, I thoroughly enjoyed myself.
As an extra bonus, Mom was there as well. She endured one of the most boring 14-hour drives imaginable, and actually stayed awake for most of the graduation ceremony. It was good to see everyone, and especially good to be attacked by my kids and dogs upon my return.
Amy, congratulations on a job well done! You are my hero - you are such a good mother and wife, and still managed to keep it all together with school and work added onto your already hectic schedule. You should be so proud of yourself! One day you will make an excellent therapist, and I'm glad that I'll be able to get your services for free. :)

1 comment:

Amy said...

Thank you!! Thank you for coming! I was so bummed when I found out you "weren't coming". What a great surprise!! I love you!