Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Dear Santa

Dear Santa,

For Christmas this year I would like a cape, long and flowing and made of satin.  I also want to sport a fancy spandex outfit to match the cape, with tennies to make me run faster and jump higher.  My favorite color is purple please.  I want the awesome cape and spandex outfit 'cause I think I'm a superhero and I might as well look like one.  Can you please put this on my suit?

Ok, so here is what I need my superhero suit to be able to do:

  • Clean my apartment in the blink of an eye.

  • Have the means to support me and the kids with all the money in the world, 'cause now I get to pay for insurance for all of us.  All four of us.

  • Make two of me so that I can go on field trips with the kids while working at the same time.

  • Make three of me so that I can be running errands while being on field trips and working all at the same time.

  • How about one more, one of us needs to get a good night's sleep.

  • It needs to teach me how to cook.

  • It needs to make lunches and a good breakfast every morning.

  • It needs to replace the window of my car that got broken into.  I could use a new windshield too, all the cracks are pretty hard to see through.

  • It needs to protect my little boy who is still having trouble sleeping at night.

  • It needs to fit under my uniform so that I can wear it to work - please put something in there for when my back hurts so much.

  • It would help if it could do laundry, especially in an instant when my girl decides she NEEDS a specific item of clothing, regardless of how many other clean ones are already hanging in the closet.

  • It needs to teleport me to work because my car is on its last leg and gas costs me too much.

  • I need my suit to keep me calm with the kids, especially when they bicker.  And I could use some help finding energy to play more with them. 

  • I would like my suit to make me look like a million bucks because for some reason, I grew up hating everything about myself. 

  • I need it to finalize my divorce and get me even a tiny bit of child support. 

  • I need it to keep my ex on the straight and narrow - he teeters a lot and the kids need him more than ever.

  • My suit needs to be super absorbent for when I cry so much my left nostril won't stop producing boogies.

  • I need it to be made out of super strong material so that when I fall down really hard I can get back up and keep going.

  • Most of all I need for it to give me peace inside, to appreciate all the people in my life who show me love and support like I've never seen it before.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My dear Kim, boy life just's gets overwhelming at times. I used to think that it seemed like all I did was struggle. Nothing ever came easy. I have finally accepted life as it comes struggles and all. It 's tough I know but at some point things will get easier. It probably seems like forever. When one starts out anew as you have it is not easy. You are a very strong woman stronger than you think. You have put up with and dealt with a lot of tough things in the past so I am convinced you will get through this. You know, I was driving home from uptown the other day and as I was going down the hill which has a gradual slope I saw this man along side of the rode walking. He was pushing a bike with it seems like all the possesions he had in the world tide to it. I reflected a moment as over the past year its been tought finacially here with all the trips Gene and I had to make he to his sister in laws funeral in Texas then a trip to see his mom to help celebrate her 96 b-day. Me flying out to Johns funeral and the trip there in July which was planned the other ones not planned. The Social Security office saying I owed them almost 2,000 dollars from 2006 they said I had made to much. I was robbing peter to pay pall, I hate that. But when I saw this man with no home, no car, no job pushing everything he owned down a hill going God know's where it put things in perspective for me that day. I said oh my God, I have a new car, a warm home and a Job to go to and I thanked God that day. When you get old you just start to appreciate that you are still breathing. I am getting there. But I have never forgotton the time when I was young like you and struggling with an abusive husband and 5 kids trying to make ends meet. I feel your pain but it will all get better honest. Love and Prayers Carol