Thursday, April 28, 2011

Here's the dealio

The dogs are now safe and sound with my ex in Denver, and the kids and I are safe and sound back home after two long days of driving.  It was well worth the drive for everyone involved and the kids and their dad soaked up every second of their little bit of time together.

The reason the dogs aren't going to live with us any more is because the house we are living in finally sold after three years on the market, and in a couple of weeks we'll be moving into an apartment that doesn't allow pets.  While we have enjoyed this huge house, we are ready to move into something a little more intimate and cozy, where our meager amount of furnishings will actually fill the space. It isn't far from where we are now, and it's even closer to the kids' school (a block and a half away!) and Granny's house.  It's three bedrooms, nothing fancy, and just right for our little family.

Another change that has happened is more personal, something that took much thought, consideration, and a good hard look into myself.  I decided to get back onto my anti-depressant after being off for about six months.  I didn't really understand how that medication helped me until I was off of it for a while, and I realized it was more than a tool that helped me cope with stressful situations.

I have been back on for about a week now and already the doom and gloom (or stinkin thinkin, as someone put it) has subsided substantially.  While I have never been so bad that I've had any kind of suicidal thoughts, my mind certainly has a way with hopelessness, despair, and anxiety, and as much as I've tried, I have been unable to cope on my own.  Add to that trying to keep it all bottled inside so the kids aren't affected and the problem  is compounded.  So here's to another try at a healthy mental state, as much for my kids as for myself.

These changes are all good and we are looking forward to moving forward.  Onward and upward...   


Linda Medrano said...

I had to give away my German Shepherd when we moved after the house was sold. It was very difficult for me, but with the kids, and moving to an apartment, it had to be done. I'm glad your pups are with your ex. Much less traumatic for all concerned. By all means, let meds help. This is a very stressful time for all of you. But believe me, it gets better. The changes will be good for you all!

grandma Carol said...

Kim an address please, send to my e-mail just have to know where to send big B's b-day card. Thanks so much Carol