Friday, March 9, 2012

Anger management

Today I am angry, and when it gets to this level I've found I just want to be left alone.  I ended up going to my room because I had become intensely irritable with everything, and I didn't want the kids to be on the receiving end of my bitchery.  I have needed quiet; I've needed peace; I have desperately needed the space to accommodate my ever growing personal bubble.  I explained to the kids that my need to be alone was not about them, that I was not on edge because of anything they were doing - I was just twisted up with my issues and it was best for everyone if I disappeared for a while.  They understood.

Have I ever mentioned I have great kids?

I tried and tried to think of something to blog about while in my self-imposed isolation, and when nothing of substance surfaced I decided to dust off the camera.  I took random shots, just anything to make the shutter click.

There isn't much I can do that will completely alleviate this particular issue.  Taking pictures and what-not only occupies my mind for a short time - it will mainly be a matter of waiting it out.  If shit doesn't change during this waiting-out period, somebody is going to see a side of me they really don't want to see.

Bah humbug.


Anonymous said...

Being angry is a very unsettling feeling. I am sorry Kim

Eviltwinswife said...

I need at least 15 to 20 minutes alone every day. I usually just get in bed, close my eyes and whatever comes to mind is what I contemplate. I think we all need a little down time from the regular routine. :-)

Karie McRae said...

I think we all need alone time. The day to day B.S. gets old. You need to go get a pedicure and relax.

Steve said...

Hey Kimmie, Let's see, between work, school,being an amazing full time Mom, yeah down time has to be in there too. It's all about balance. From the outside looking in the way you interact with your kids is awesome. So many parents miss the fact that their kids are part of the team. It's easy to put off taking care of ourselves when there are others depending on us, but if we do that in the end everybody suffers. You caught that and did something about it, nicely done. As always I continue to admire you and respect you just for being you.

kwynn said...

I like this piece because it's something that many of us can resonate with. Sometimes the only thing that alleviates anger is solitude...healthy, peaceful solitude.

Lindamedrano said...

Wonderful photos of great subjects! I'm sorry you're feeling a little dismal. Hopefully with the arrival of Spring, you'll get the juices flowing.

CKGER said...

This the McCrea- Toronto with " Gedie" know he did the " Gedianne"?
You know, so did Sculls with" Piggly Wiggly"?
Lyppon -Cosis- Coles.
Busted with Bush- Young?

Jayne said...

Anger is the cancer of the soul. You really want to carry that shit around?

The Accidental Somebody said...

Oh Jayne I know it is! For whatever reason, retreating really helps for me. I stew for a while and it kind of takes care of itself. I'm feeling quite good today! :)

Jayne said...

Glad to hear it. :) Retreating to a hot bath with a glass of Chardonnay and a bar of chocolate does wonders, too.

Mrs. Tuna said...

Ice bribes and a trip to the park will do everyone good.

Unpublishedlife said...

Hi there just found your blog from A Pole Dancing and am a new follower! I get seriously ragey. It is all-consuming and gets to the point where I can't function. I can't sit still, let alone right. Food generally helps. Gorging on chocolate until the anger dissipates ...

Gorgeous Pictures!

The Accidental Somebody said...

Thanks for joining! Off to check out your blog right now. :)

slyde said...

well, at least those are some great pics!

p.s. for the past few months disqus has apparently stopped showing for me at work, so up until just now when im came here from home, i had thought you had shut off comments.... ok, now i know better! said...

I have a reindeer in my truck. I agonized over his name for quite a while. His first name is RIACH, which stands for Reindeer In A Cup Holder. A little while later I gave him the last name of Herd, so altogether its RIACH Herd.

Christopher Arnel said...

I totally understand this post!! I get in that place as well, where i need to be left alone, and that is when EVERYONE needs my attention and cannot function without me. I need that moment when i can put on some music and sing out the anger, or just veg out until i am fit for public viewing again. Trouble is everyone just pushes those buttons continually and then i HAVE to get away to blog or write to get away. i love reading these blogs, tho, and seeing how everyone feels. I know mine is different from everyone else's cuz most of my blogs are poems, or songs, but the feelings are there. Your blogs seem to be more like how i feel. i will read a post and be like.. how did she know? i know it's silly. Please continue to post, cuz it's comforting to read! :)