Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The duet

The more I am in my acting class the more I like the people in it.  At first I thought they were the strangest bunch of kids I'd ever seen, until I got to know them a little and realized there are only a few who are oddballs.  And ODD they are.


A few weeks ago we were handed duets in which Professor Fred had taken it upon himself to partner us off and lucky me, I was picked to perform with the only cutie in the bunch.  Hail Mary praise Jesus for that - 'cause we have to kiss.


The day he handed them out we ran over the lines together a couple of times, but pretty much pretended that kissing part didn't exist.  We haven't practiced since then.  It's not a bad piece and not a big ol' mushy kiss either.  But it's a kiss.  Between a 20-year-old kid and me, the graying old lady with kids of her own.

I've never kissed anyone I didn't feel something for.  Can you say


I'm sure we're going to have  to do it, and I'm sure it will be fine.  It's just that until Professor Fred insists it be done, we'll probably continue to ignore it.

Maybe I can teach him a thing or two - I'm a pretty good kisser, I've been around the block a time or two.  Maybe the graying old lady will be the best smooch he's ever laid his lips on.

I say bring it...




Steve said...

That's it! I'm moving to Cody and taking acting classes!!!!

The Accidental Somebody said...

Wellllllll.....if you're a good kisser and I'm a good kisser...........get up here!! :)

Roksana Podgorska said...

Ha! Waiting for an update on that! Awesome! You show him!!! No woman will ever kiss good enough after that! Yeah... I'm getting carried away.

Diana a.k.a. Meme said...

Wow... you are luky! Enjoy that, because I am sure he is looking forward to it!!

Anonymous said...

Lucky kid! He'll be ruined forever!


Steve said...

Sounds like a road trip is in order.

Keith Wynn said...

I really love this blog - especially the title "The Accidental Somebody". This is a great piece.

Keith Wynn said...

p.s. I found your blog while perusing blogs on blogger - may I follow your blog? You may follow mine as well if you wish - Keep up the great work!

The Accidental Somebody said...

Is a frog's ass water tight? Of course you can follow. :)

Jayne said...

Play your 20 year old self and the awkwardness and hope we all feel at that age when having a first kiss with someone. Then just let it happen.